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Computer Question Bank
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Which of the following is extension of WordPad?
  1. .ppt.
  2. .xls
  3. .rtf
  4. None of above

Q2. Ms Access: The expression builder is an access tool that controls an expression___ for entering an expression

  1. Table
  2. Box
  3. Cell
  4. Palette
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: We can remove a relationship defined between two tables by

  1. From edit menu choose delete relationship
  2. Select the relationship line and press delete
  3. Choose delete option from relationship menu
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q4. The problem with …file is that they slow your computer’s operation

  1. Fragmented
  2. Formatted
  3. Program
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q5. Unicode standard is

  1. Keyboard layout
  2. Software
  3. Font
  4. Character encoding system
Correct Answer

Q6. CHKDSK command

  1. Check the disk
  2. Dos command
  3. Give information about disk
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader called ____ is executed

  1. Compile and Go loader
  2. Boot loader
  3. Bootstrap loader
  4. Relating loader
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:Documentation should include

  1. Destination and users of the output data
  2. Source of input data
  3. Information on the purpose of the workbook
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q9. You can select My Computer icon and press Alt + Enter to

  1. Delete it from desktop permanently
  2. Open it in Explorer mode
  3. Open System Properties dialog box
  4. Pin it on Start menu
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?

  1. Terminal
  2. Light pen
  3. Digitizer
  4. Mouse
Correct Answer

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